Sunday, May 20, 2007

Why don't we use the metric system?

On the bus driving back from a field trip, two of my kids are talking about how big an inch is. One girl holds up her fingers measuring roughly an inch, and asks me if this is how big an inch is. I answer yes, and decide to make this a teachable moment, and expand to tell the girls how there are 12 inches in a foot, marking the length with my two hands. The girls follow my explanation, and when I finish speaking, one of the girls pipes up earnestly, "well how many inches are in a hand?"
Where to begin.....

Monday, May 14, 2007

Where the lost things go

I had a five year old helper as I cleaned up today and whenever we found something that had no owner, he declared confidently, "this belongs in the lost and fountain!"

How many jobs does your dad have?

Talking to one of my girls today she was explaining that her dad used to have a different job. I mentioned his current job, and she told me "my dad has two jobs". I asked her what these two jobs were, and she answered "Playing with me and going to school". I told her that would be three things, to which she pondered for a moment, and said "you are right, he has three jobs!"