Saturday, December 23, 2006

Potty Talk

Outside on the cold playground during recess, one of the girls asked me to let her in to go to the bathroom. I let her in, and then went back to sit down with the kids on the playground. A few minutes later, she returns from the bathroom, and comes near where I am sitting. She mopes around for a few minutes, without saying anything. I ask her what is wrong, and she says "I am wet". To which I ask, "are you wet from the sink or are you wet from potty?". She replies "from potty". So I walk her inside to change her out of her wet clothes, and I ask her if she didn't make it to the bathroom. She replies, "I made it to the bathroom, but I didn't make it to the commode on time".

Suprised that she would use this word, I asked her if she learned it from her parents, and she said "no, I learned it at school".

Not at my school!

Monday, December 18, 2006

More wisdom on aging

On the way inside after a trip to the park this morning, one of the verbal little girls in the class looked up at me after a few pensive moments, and out of the blue stated "when you get old, you shrink a little bit, and then die". I didn't really have a response, so we just kept on walking up the stairs. How these thoughts enter their little minds, who knows!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


On the playground during after school, to keep from freezing I was joining the 2nd graders in a game of tag. Running around the playground and having a good time, one of the girls stops and asks me, "Ms. Conner, do you feel more like a grown up or a kid?". Hmmm...wonder what she was hinting at!
I told her you can feel like a kid and an adult at different times. That you are never too old to act like a kid sometimes!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Very removed from the concept of "farm"

When reading a story, the word "Flock" came up. We asked the kids if the knew what flock meant. One girl quickly raised her hand, and authoritatively stated that "it is like a flock of vilosa-raptors, or a flock of unicorns. A whole group of them". How that was the first thing to come to her mind, who knows!